webcam focused on Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum in Florida, U.S.A.
Approximately 60 cats live here in Key West. Many are named for movie stars, and about half have extra toes. Sometimes the tourists outnumber the cats. I watched this cam in August as Tropical Storm Fay blew through and saw a broken palm in the foreground and a kitty moseying by in the background. Though the beloved cat cam is gone, you can occasionally see something on the wedding cam (but not any more--that's gone, too, now!).

See more animals and locations via webcams.
ideas for exploring the U.S.
"Charlie Chaplin"
image copyright 2008 Carole Terwilliger Meyers
updated 4-12-18; 4-11-20
And he's even in style with his goatee. Hip-cat. Key West style I gugess?